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Friday, 10 June 2011

Welcome to the site that tells you about theatre as it really is.

I've seen a lot of theatre over the years. I teach it. I produce it. I've even been known to appear in it. I would see professional theatre at least once a week and come out often feeling disappointed with what I just sat through and then when I read the reviews from the professionals, who often reward the attempt and not the actual production, I can't help feel disappointed all over again.

So this blog will serve to give you a new and different viewpoint on the Sydney theatre scene, productions, directors, acting, designing and general theatrical choices. I welcome your posts, even if they are contradictory to mine. Bring on the debate- I think that's what the scene is really missing, amongst other things.

No more pandering to the wank of theatre without it being called exactly what it is.

Welcome to shit on your play. com.


  1. i like the little doves up in the corner. it gives your blog a "funerial" feel.

  2. Haha!


    I've often said after a particularly average play: "If this was any good, it would be a movie"

    I was only half joking at the time, but the more I think about it - the more I think it's true.

    Unsheath the claws and bring it on.

  3. great! just what we need: more negativity.

    i hope this all comes back to bite you like it did to the girls in The Craft.

  4. Actually, giving an honest appraisal might be more effective in improving the situation as opposed to sycophantic reviewers propping up a circle jerk in Sydney theatre.

  5. 'propping up a circle jerk in Sydney theatre.' I am completely bamboozled by this statement and absolutely fascinated. Need to know more. Please.please explain.

  6. I'd give these reviews far more consideration if we knew who was behind the slam-fest (and funerial doves).

    As beautiful as the brown backdrop is, I think cowardly yellow is more your colour?

  7. BRILLIANT. Couldn't agree more. There's nothing worse than coming out of a play thinking "What a STINKER", and then reading reviews that reward its mediocrity because of a director's intention. There is some serious wank happening out there at the moment.

    We have such a small scene here in Australia.. it would be near impossible to be 100% honest in reviews without isolating yourself. Bring on the anonyminity and bring on the honesty!

  8. the more reviewers the merrier i reckon. i love reading various blogs AFTER i have seen a show as they enhance my experience, knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of theatre.

  9. Although I think your blog is a great idea and long overdue I am wondering, if you are so involved in the industry, will you be just as critical of your own productions? And if you are so disappointed by your weekly theatre visits maybe you should go to the movies instead.

  10. I deep down hope that this is secretly Jane Harders writing this blog.

  11. God bless you whoever you are SOYP, for much drek doth this way cometh in 2012 and we must pierce all such ill prepared offerings with thy stout and honest words. I salute thee.

  12. I completely agree. I'm pretty new to reviewing, but I'm using my blog for honest critique at the moment because I too kept seeing mediocre/terrible productions and got sick of reading brilliant reviews. Nice one, keep it up.
